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RAAC - identification and provision of the plan of action tailored to your building.

3 hr
2,500 British pounds
Customer's Place

Service Description

RAAC - INITIAL CONSULTATION This service is the first step in the determination of the structural condition of your building in terms of RAAC. We will visit your property to identify or confirm the presence of RAAC (Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete) and lay down an action plan for further works. During the walk-through survey, we will take a record of your structures in concern as well as of the whole property. We will undertake a desk study. We will provide you with a comprehensive overview of your circumstance and provide you with recommendations for further steps forming an action plan for subsequent RAAC ASSESSMENT. ASSESSMENT - price per going rates, see terms and conditions: 1. Risk assessment and method statement for further exploratory work. 2. Removal of finishes, roof surfacing, and exposure of the reinforcement at the supports. We will coordinate this work with a chosen contractor. 3. Condition report on all RAAC panels. Provision of general arrangement drawings identifying every panel with associated individual pannel assessment reports showing the conditions and assessing the risk levels. 4. We will provide an overview of possible solutions to weigh out their relative cost benefits to the situation at hand. SOLUTION - price per going rates, see terms and conditions: 1. We will design an appropriate solution identified in the Assessment Stage. 2. We will provide an oversight to the work assuring correct execution according to the design and specification. 3. We will provide you with as-built documentation for your records to ensure appropriate maintenance and use of the structure.

Cancellation Policy

See Terms and Condition

Contact Details

01233 367987

BYTNAR - CHARTERED ENGINEERS, Sir Henry Brackenbury Road, Ashford, UK


  • Company Registered Office: 75 Sir Henry Brackenbury Road, TN23 3FJ, Ashford, Kent • Registered Number: 10925429 • • 01233 367987 •

•  © 2019 by Bytnar Ltd •

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